Maryland Black Mayors, Inc. (or MBM) is the only organization in Maryland that solely represents the combined interests of all black mayors throughout Maryland.
New Leadership, New Vision
Once elected as the organization's president, getting a feel for the member-mayors' desires as it relates to the organization was important to me. During the first meeting as president, I set out to get a consensus as to the vision and direction of MBM. The organization, has always had a well-stated vision. That is not what I was after. I wanted to find out what specific plan or objective we could rally everyone behind as it relates to a Maldon Administration. This was exciting (and challenging) because these are very important and outspoken people, community leaders. We were able to collectively decide upon the following three goals for the 2020 vision: 1) promote an increased awareness and voice for MBM, develop more strategic partnerships, and create more mentorship opportunities for up and coming black politicians.
MBM COVID-19 Task Force
Several mayors of the organization decided to unite forces to advocate for some of the most vulnerable communities that we serve. We decided to form a Task Force that would be a resource to help combat the difficulties caused by the pandemic. Specifically, MBM is looking to sound the alarm on behalf of united municipalities calling for extra resources while proclaiming a State of Emergency. Among other things, such a move should add fuel to the fire in terms of request for aide during this time.
The Innovator Conference
The Innovator Conference is MBM's first-ever conference. The conference will feature several past and present mayors with a wealth of knowledge and best-practices as it relates to their areas of speciality and innovation. The conference was scheduled for April 4 and due to COVID-19 has been postponed. As soon as a date/time has been identified, notifications will go out. In the meantime, everyone can check out the website at and registration remains open.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CONFERENCE WILL STILL GO ON, IT'S JUST BEING POSTPONED. For now, we are encouraging everyone to stay home and stay safe.